Test Suite & Test Runner

Scan Scope

A class containing main() method that initializes runner object is called a Runner. Upon test execution, a Java package containing Runner and it’s child packages are scanned by the Runner in search of test cases, thus scanned section of the project is called a Scan Scope of the Runner.


The Runner

  • A Runner is the entry point to a test application.
  • A Runner at project root location[1] is called a Master Runner which has visibility of all test cases within a project.
  • A Runner created within the individual package is called a Feature Runner which has visibility inside its package or its child-packages.
  • A test project can have more than one Runner.
[1]Project Root location


Project root can be different depending on the project configuration. Below guideline is written with default project setup in mind.

  • Non-Maven project root location => src.

  • Maven project root location => src/main/java.

  • Eclipse IDE root location is also known as “default package”.


Test Suite

  • A Runner and test cases within Runner’s scan scope combined constructs a Test Suite.

  • A project contains as many test suites as a number of test Runners.

  • A test suite can not execute test cases outside its Runner’s scan scope.

  • Test suites may share one or more test cases.
